La Cimbali
Discover the La Cimbali collection of espresso and Bean to Cup coffee Super Automatic Machines.
Renowned for its exceptional craftsmanship and cutting-edge technology. Perfect for both professional coffee shops and restaurants, Hotels & office averments. these espresso machines are designed to deliver a superior coffee experience.
From Cimbali's high quality intern level heat exchanger models to their top of line independent boiler models with pressure profiling. They offer a complete range of regular and tall cup, with automatic steam wants and without.
Their Super Automatic models S20, S30 offer 1 step operation with an automatic turbo wand as standard, The automatic S60 features 2 steam wands for high-volume production needs for the very busy cafe's. The s15 with its 110-volt system is for the light duty operator.
Their blue tooth grinder with and without built in auto-tamp provides the operator with almost a carefree grinder adjustment by a non-skill staff.